Since 2007, the French Python Association (AFPy) organizes an annual meeting gathering Python users. They meet to speak about their experiences, to learn from each other and to show their latest discoveries during workshops, presentations and meetings.
PyConFr is the best way to discover Python language, to go further using it, to meet libraries and tools authors, and to simply meet during a week-end.
This year, PyConFr will be held in Lille from the 4th to the 7th of October 2018, and hosted by IMT Lille Douai.
PyConFr gathers 400 participants each day, and no less than 70 presentations and workshops:
- conferences, targeting all levels, allow to discover many different uses of Python,
- sprints allow to improve open source and free projects.
Sprints will take place on the 4th and the 5th of October. Conferences and workshops will take place on the 6th and the 7th of October.
You want to share an experience about Python? You wish to show your latest project to the community? Ask for help? This is the good time: the call for proposals is now open until the 30th of June! If you are a newcomer or a skilled talker, don't hesitate to propose a topic: PyConFr is about you before everything else :).
We accept long (50 min) and short presentations (25 min), and some workshops (please tell us their duration).
Here are some suggestions about what you can propose:
- Python in education: tips and tricks to learn or teach it;
- Internet, the Web and Python;
- crypto: encryption and private life;
- scientific Python: computation, statistics, machine learning;
- at the heart of Python: packaging, libraries, testing, profiling, binding;
- around Python: provisioning, databases, JavaScript frameworks;
- frameworks and applications: Django, Odoo, Openstack;
- 3D printing, Internet of things, computer numerical control;
- Python nowadays: Python 3 et asyncio;
- Python in the future: Python 3.7, Pypy;
- Libre Software with Python: your making;
- the community: diversity, local meetings, conference organisation;
- and also, anything that you could think about ;).
Please submit your proposal at before the 30th of June 2018 at 23h59 (Europe/Paris)!