Our first keynote will be given by Viviane Pons on Saturday, October 6th, at 9:30 AM, in the Byron amphitheater. This keynote will be in English.
Viviane is maître de conférence (associate professor) at Paris-Sud University. Her research is focused on algebraic combinatorics. She studies partially ordered sets of combinatorial objects such as the weak order on permutations and the Tamari lattice. She is also interested in mathematical software development and computer exploration. She is an active contributor of the SageMath software. She gives algorithmic and computing lectures.
She is also an everyday Python user for her research as she could explain in her talk "Experimental pure mathematics" given to PyConFR and PyCon US in 2014 and 2015.
She actively takes part in developing and diffusing the open-source software SageMath, written in Python. This is how she discovered open-source philosophy and the community that goes with. Since 2015, she is part of OpenDreamKit project for developing Open Source in mathematics where she is responsible for dissemination. As such, she organizes events for teaching and promoting Sage. Interested by diversity questions within scientific and open-source communities, she is responsible with Anna-Livia Gomart of chapter PyLadies Paris.
As both a scientist and a developer, she will discuss the values that motivate her work in both worlds. She will also describe the common challenges that we face and how we can get better.

Viviane Pons portrait