PyConFr 2014

Lyon, October 25-28

PyConFR 2014

samedi 12:00:00–12:30:00

DEPOT, story of a file.write() gone wrong

Alessandro Molina

Audience level:


DEPOT ( ) is a file storage framework born from a project that stored a lot of files on disk, until the day the customer system engineering team decided to switch to Heroku, which didn't support storing files on disk.


The DEPOT ( ) talk will cover the facets of a feature ( "saving files" ) which has always been considered straightforward but that can become complex in the era of cloud deployment and when infrastructure migration is involved.

After exposing the major drawbacks and issues that big projects might face on short and long terms with file storage the talk will introduce DEPOT and how it tried to solve most of the issues while providing a super-easy-to-use interface for developers. We will see how to use DEPOT to provide attachments on SQLAlchemy or MongoDB and how to handle problems like migration to a different storage backend and long term evolution.

Like SQLAlchemy makes possible to switch your storage on the fly without touching code, DEPOT aims at making so possible for files and even use multiple different storages together.

Talk will be in English

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